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Module 6 – Bond Investments and Credit Analysis

In the initial section of module six, we will examine various interest rate models commonly employed in the industry. Our focus will be on understanding the practical application and constraints of each model. In the subsequent segment, you will delve into the realm of credit and gain insights into how credit risk models are harnessed in quantitative finance. This will encompass structural, reduced-form, and copula models.

Analyzing Fixed Income Products
  • Overview of Fundamental Fixed Income Products: Descriptions and Key Characteristics
  • Common Attributes of Fixed Income Products: Notable Features
  • Analyzing Market Value: Yield, Duration, and Convexity
  • Yield Curve Construction and Forward Rates
  • Understanding Swaps
  • The Interplay Between Swaps and Zero-Coupon Bonds
Modeling Stochastic Interest Rates
  • Interest Rate Stochastic Models
  • Pricing Equation Derivation for Various Fixed Income Products
  • Overview of One-Factor Interest Rate Models
  • Theoretical Foundations of Multi-Factor Interest Rate Modeling
  • Well-Known Two-Factor Models
Fine-tuning and Analyzing Data
  • Selecting Time-Dependent Parameters in One-Factor Models for Deriving Today’s Yield Curve
  • Pros and Cons of Yield Curve Fitting
  • Analyzing Short-Term Interest Rates for Optimal Volatility and Drift Model Selection
  • Utilizing Yield Curve Slope Analysis for Market Risk Pricing Insights
Applying Probabilistic Techniques to Interest Rates
  • Probabilistic Pricing of Interest Rate Products
  • Equivalent Martingale Measures in Finance
  • Foundations of Asset Pricing for Bonds
  • Utilizing Popular Interest Rate Models
  • The Behavior of Bond Prices Over Time
  • Understanding the Forward Measure in Finance
  • Pricing Formula for Derivatives on Bond Assets
Exploring the Heath-Jarrow-Morton Model
  • The Heath, Jarrow & Morton (HJM) Forward Rate Model
  • Exploring the Connection Between HJM and Spot Rate Models
  • Pros and Cons of the HJM Approach
  • Unpacking the Decomposition of Random Movements in the Forward Rate Curve into Its Core Components
Navigating Credit Default Swaps
  • Introduction to Credit Default Swaps (CDS)
  • Default Modeling Toolkit: Inhomogeneous Poisson Process
  • CDS Pricing: Fundamental and Advanced Models
  • Estimating Intensity through Bootstrapping from CDS Market Quotes
  • Incorporating Accruals and Upfront Premiums in CDS Pricing
Delving into Intensity Models
  • Examining default modeling through the Poisson Process
  • Investigating the connection between intensity and default arrival time
  • Comparing the pricing of risky bonds with constant and stochastic hazard rates
  • Analyzing bond pricing when considering potential recovery
  • Exploring the principles behind Affine Models
  • Utilizing Affine Intensity Models and incorporating the Feynman-Kac formula
  • Demonstrating a practical application of a two-factor Affine Intensity Model with the example of Vasicek
Comprehending CDOs and Correlation Sensitivity
  • Evaluating Pricing and Managing Risk in the CDO Market
  • Understanding Loss Functions and the CDO Pricing Equation
  • Drawing Inspiration from Loss Distribution
  • Introduction to Copula Functions
  • Categorizing Copula Functions
  • Simulation with the Gaussian Copula
  • Utilizing the 3-Factor Gaussian Copula Model
  • Exploring Correlation: Intuition and Timescale
  • Unpacking Linear Correlation and Its Common Misuses
  • Investigating Rank Correlation
  • Correlation in Exotic Options
  • Employing an Uncertain Correlation Model for Mezzanine Tranches
  • Analyzing Compound (Implied) Correlation in Loss Distribution
Evaluating X-Valuation Adjustment
  • Historical Evolution of OTC Derivatives and Xva
  • Credit and Debt Value Adjustments (CVA and DVA)
  • Funding Value Adjustment (FVA)
  • Margin and Capital Value Adjustments (MVA and KVA)
  • Contemporary Market Practices and Their Applications
  • Implementing Counterparty Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA)
  • Evaluation of Numerical Methods for Quantifying CVA, including Exposure Measurement and Monte Carlo Simulation, along with the Libor Market Model
  • Exemplification of the Methodology, encompassing DVA, FVA, and related adjustments